Wednesday 2 June 2010

Kim turned 39 yesterday. I have noticed a real change in her over the last few days. Yesterday i gave her a spa visit for her birthday, which included a facial and deep tissue massage. The masseur told her she would need to come back for more sessions as she couldn't shift the knots in her right side of her neck and shoulders with just one session. She is also off to get her hair styles today. This pampering is a little step in her recovery. Last night we had parents night at school and Aisha's report was good, but in the back of our minds we knew she was leaving and the report didn't mean that much. Onwards and Upwards!!

On Saturday i got a call from my mums carer, she was found hypo and in quite a bad way. An ambulance was called and she had to be injected with glucose solution. A pan of soup was burning on the hob. I phoned her afterwards and she was very upset. I phoned her again later that day and asked if she had had something to eat. She said no because her sugar level was very high. I told her, that's because you've just been injected with glucose. After all that's been said and done the penny still wasn't dropping. Anyway, i phoned her carer and discussed things with her. the pattern seems to be she drinks wine on a Friday, goes hypo Saturday, then struggles to control things from then on. So i phoned mum today and told her i don't want her drinking for the next three weekends. If the diabetes gets sorted, we know the wine is the route of all our problems. We can then address it. Everyone is 100% convinced that is the problem and we need to get a solution to keep everyone happy. My mum likes to drink wine on a Friday and Saturday night. Who am i to tell her no. But the high sugar content means she goes hypo on the Saturday as the blood sugar level drops. To avoid this she needs to eat while drinking, then have a good solid breakfast the next day. But we aren't at that place yet where she can do this with any control. Not yet anyway.....

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