Monday 22 February 2010

I had a good weekend this weekend. I was in work on Saturday morning, then watched UP with Aisha on Saturday afternoon. This has to be the best animated film released for years. Then at night i watched The Firm, a remake of the 80's football casual film. As someone who was involved in this culture i always take great notice of these films. This one is one of the better ones, though the plot and characters aren't great, this one stands out because the fight scenes are the most realistic I have come across. Coming off the train and meeting an opposing mob, you would always be cagey, sussing each other out. Some films show fighting like a hollywood blockbuster, which never happened. The original of this film, which starred Gary Oldeman, wasn't believable to me, but this one is, with the right blend of fashion, which to many was the most important aspect of the whole scene, the fighting, for which to others was the only important thing.
Sunday was a great day. In the morning i went down to the beach for a run. It was a glorious morning, with no wind and the sun shining. The sand was mostly covered in snow so i went to the raised dunes for a run, feeling it today!!
In the afternoon we went for a family run, ending up in Gardenstown, a small coastal fishing village. It was great to walk around, imaging how harsh life would have been living here years ago. The road from there to Fraserbourgh is nice and Windy, fun to drive, not so fun for my co-pilot Kim!!
I have been looking at the bathroom and it is needing decorated. we put a new suite in a couple years back but scrimped on the decorating, so need to address that. Not so easy with no money. So i am going to start a project where i am going to attempt to raise £1000. This will be done by selling off old books, CD's, etc on Ebay. Decluttering they call it!!
Today i have a half day as we have another appointment with the children's hospital. After Aisha's scan of her bladder we now have to sit down with the specialist to decide what can be done!!

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