Monday 15 March 2010

the restructuring at work has taken place and i am now working out of a portacabin. Truth be told its not as bad as i thought it would be but that wont stop me looking elsewhere for work. I have met with an agency and applied for a couple of jobs. Next month See's the new budgets put in place, which should see the job market expand and hopefully more opportunities.
Mum has been good this past couple of weeks, she seems to be controlling her diabetes far better than usual. The flip side is that Aisha has been having a terrible time of it. She is now on patches for her wetting, and they seem to be working, but getting to this point has been a struggle. The first lot of medication gave her diarrhea. when she came off this, her wetting got worse, as bad as it ever was. She then got tablets that didn't have any effect. Her bladder seemed to fill up like it was supposed to, but the message to the brain to go pee wasn't happening. One night she peed 4 times from 7.30pm to 6.30am, a definite sign things were worse. then on Friday she was given patches, which she keeps on for four days. these are working a treat, she has been dry for three days straight. The bladder fills properly, and the message to the brain is clear. Long may it continue!!
The light nights are nearly here, and the bike has been dusted down, looking forward to getting out and about!!
My good friend Pat got the news he was hoping for, he has been added to the transplant list. i really never had any doubt he would be, i knew his positive outlook would convince the consultants he should be considered. I wish at key times, when i moan about the little things in life that annoy me, like work, i could take a step back and look at Pat's battle and compare my own petty problems. It might make me keep my mouth shut. Well, maybe not!!

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