Saturday 3 July 2010

This week

Its been a very busy week at work, a new guy started Thursday and trying to run the show and train someone is proving tricky, but we will get there. The weather has been good and i have been out at nights on my bike, riding through Brig O Balgownie, down to Seaton Park and along the River Don. You sometimes forget what a beautiful country we have, but being out and about makes you appreciate it.
Aisha has now finished at Braehead primary and the school holidays have begun. she seems excited about going to a new school but we will see closer the time. We nearly went two weeks with dry pants but she had an accident last night. She seemed more upset than anything, which is probably a good sign.
I have been reading a lot lately, some books i have received from my new boss others i have picked up myself. They include The Goal, Broken Windows Broken Business, 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader and How to Win Friends and Influence People. I will go over them in more details next week. For now I am off to enjoy the rays!

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