Thursday 15 July 2010

Visited Davie last night. The doctors advised him to get a second opinion. He is off to Edinburgh tomorrow to meet a consultant who is flying up from London for the Open and has agreed to meet him. He has to take his laptop and the CT Scan on disk with him. He may be clutching at straws but anything he can do he should. It may mean more chemo but if that gives him more time with his daughter then that is a good thing. Hopefully I will hear more this weekend.
On a personal front, i have been feeling more positive about things, my clothes are starting to fit better, and I am enjoying being active. I am considering starting a new plan, but my concern is it doesn't work out, and history repeats itself. I need to work out whats best. At the moment, i am plodding along and i am happy, maybe that is what will work for me better than anything else. i have no idea my weight, how fit/unfit i am and maybe things are going well because I don't know these things. I wont push thing. But for the first time in ages i feel i am doing things right. I avoid junk food, I haven't had much alcohol, and I am active, wither with the kettlebell, on my bike, in the garden or with Aisha. One small step.........

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