Monday 11 January 2010

Last week i forgot to weigh myself at the start of the week. I also miscalculated how many swings i had done, and came up 200 short!! This week i have weighed myself early Monday morning and come in at 98kgs. I have also drafted a spreadsheet so i can catalogue correctly what i am completing and how i am progressing. I tried to do it electronically but there is just something in me that finds it easier to hand write it out.
I visited my mum on Saturday to clear her path. She had 15 inches of snow in her front garden. Clearing a path was hard work, and i couldn't get down to the path, i left a good 3 inches of ice at the bottom. Warmer weather is predicted for the end of this week and i am sure everyone will be glad to see it gone. Well maybe not the skiers!!
Mum's been finding things tough lately, the weather prevents her from getting out, she is also off her anti-depressants, and cane be a bit short with me. I spoke to her carers who are also concerned, and have agreed to keep an eye on things!
I went to the football on Saturday, my first game for a while. Aberdeen easily won 2-0 and have unearthed two gems in Fraser Fyvie and Peter Pawlett. My prediction is both these will be in the Premiership by the time they are 21. There combined transfer value could clear Aberdeen's total debt if handled correctly by the club!
Things continue to be strained at home. Before Christmas we discovered Aisha had been tested for Autism while at nursery, but we were never informed of this. the results showed she was in the middle of the Autism spectrum but the lack of communication made it impossible for the test to be conclusive. The same test was done again, ironically by the same teacher and the results showed she was still within the Spectrum. As the letter from the Doctor stated, Aisha is a complex wee girl!! Kim was beside herself when she found out about the first test, as she had suspected for years Aisha was autistic but was reluctant to say.
Aisha still wets herself and Kim is finding this very hard to deal with. In fact its safe to say she is finding the whole issue hard to deal with. Not the fact Aisha has problems, but how to deal with them. It also has a knock on effect on our marriage which is being put under strain because of this. Differences of opinions before would be dealt with, now they are hard to deal with. Nothing we wont be able to see through, but still makes life hard. I plan to speak to the teacher and the school nurse today to see about getting some additional care, but these changes take time!

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