Wednesday 26 November 2008

Day of Rest

So onto my second day, and this was a lot easier. Diet consisted of the same routine, breakfast with fruit juice, sandwich for lunch, and i finally got my stovies for tea last night. I had my three pieces of fruit as well. I also done more tiling to keep me away form the TV at night. Easy. i had a day of rest from the exercising which was welcolmed as my thighs were very tight and sore. I can't believe how sore I am after such limited exercise. But as they say no pain no gain.
I now know where I am going with my fitness and diet plans, and this will be a long journey.
I also need to look at the other parts of my life I want to change. My finances I am going to leave until the New Year. A couple of reasons for that. One, Christmas is upon us and this throws up costs that I wouldnt expect at any other time. Two, I will only be paid a straight month with no overtime due to me forgetting to fill in my timesheet on time. So that one can go on the back burner for now.
What I need to concentrate on his the cultural side of life that I want to change. Now dont get me wrong, i aint bad. I dont watch reality TV. But I am a couch potato, and that needs to change. SO to change that I am only going to watch specific TV programmes that interest me, and do something constructive the rest of the time. Now that could be playing with Aisha, or learning the guitar, or reading a book. Something that will challenge my brain.

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