Sunday 16 November 2008

The First day of the rest of my life

Well here it is, the first day of the rest of my life. I have decided my life can't go on the way it has for the last 37 years. Don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy with my life as such. I have a wonderful wife who i love with all my heart. I have a 5 year old daughter who fills me with joy every day. These are the good things in life. But there are many things I am not content with. And these are things I can make changes to.

There are many things in my life i am not happy about. The number one thing is i am overweight, or obese as the doctors would call it. I have long had a problem with my weight. Most people who know me would tell you it doesn't bother, me. It does. It really does. I hate the fact i avoid buying nice clothes because of my size. I hate the fact i avoid playing sports because i know within 5 minutes i will be out of breath, with a bright red face, looking like i am about to collapse. i also worry my wife doesn't fancy me anymore. Why should she? She still has a great figure, where as I, well i don't. I know i can change this. Easy. Stop eating, exercise more. Bingo. But it isn't as easy as that. Or it hasn't been. As much as I have wanted to get into shape, I have always managed to find an excuse not to. I am also one of these people who live life on a cycle. On Wednesday I will decide to go on a diet. But not on Wednesday. I will wait until Monday, so that gives me four days to stuff my face. Then on Monday I have a bad day at work, get home, and while slumped on the sofa, fill my face. Then I remember I was on a diet, and promise to be better next Monday. But I never am.
I know my unhealthy lifestyle is affecting my health. I can feel it. I feel lethargic, especially in the evening. I don't have the get up and go I used to. And I want it back.

Another thing in my life i am not happy about is my financial situation. Now don't get me wrong, i ain't in financial trouble. But earlier this year i started looking for a new job(more on that later) and i found i was so restricted by my financial situation. I work long hours, so make a decent wage. To reduce my hours a week i would need to take on a job that pays less, and i just cant. I know how beneficial it would be to my home life if i was there more, but money dictates that ain't possible just now. So that needs to change.

I am also unhappy about other aspects of my life. I can't speak a foreign language. I cant play a musical instrument Why not? I watch far too much telly, and don't do enough of the things that my head is saying I should be doing. Like reading the classics. Or painting. There is so much more to life that I am missing out on. And why. Because I am lazy. I make excuses up in my head to justify why I don't do the things I really want to. And that's why i am overweight and unhappy with it. So no more. Time to start the revolution. Time to start making my life interesting, fun, happy.

The inspiration for this blog, and this whole idea is my good friend Pat. Pat has liver cancer, and started a blog, partly to keep friends updated with his feelings and how his treatment is going, and partly to help himself by getting his thoughts out there, not to bottle things up. And i can tell you it was some inspiration to me. Here was a guy who was fighting the very thing that threatened to destroy him. And he will win in the end. Reading his blog I started to look at my own life compared to Pats. Where Pat took action, I made excuses. And that's when i decided i had to change. My fight to change my life in no way can be compared to Pats fight. But if he can win his battle, surely i can win mine. Surely i can change my life for the better. Another inspiration is my wife. She recently started an Open University course on Volcanoes, Tsunamis and Hurricanes. Why? Because she wanted to better herself, maybe one day make a career out of it. So why cant I do something like that?

I don't expect anyone to read this blog. I wont be advertising it. This is for me. Maybe by getting things down on file it will help me see the bigger picture. But change will happen. So what have I got so far? Lose weight. Get fit. Sort out finances. Learn the guitar. Learn a language. Conquer the world!!!!

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