Sunday 23 November 2008


today is preparation day. I went out and got myself a stop watch and jogging bottoms. I also bought a load of fruit and veg. Tonight is the big weigh in. This is the part I am really not looking forward to. But I have to face up to this. This will be the platform from where I start to change my life.
Tomorrow morning I plan to be up at the crack of dawn for my first fitness session. As stated earlier, the first two weeks are simple programming, nothing to heavy. This coupled with a healthy diet should be all I need to start turning my life around. No fancy diets for me!! My thinking is that if I cut out the junk food, and put more thought into what I am eating I should find it easier to stick to my plan. I will be eating the same food as the rest of the family. For meals we eat quite healthily already. No chips on our menu. The problem really comes from sweets and crisps at night, and takeaways at the weekend. But even a small change, like making my own pizza instead of buying a takeaway pizza will be huge. Oh and it will save me some money. That cant be a bad thing.
Later on tonight I will be taking my statistics, and will post the results up here.

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