Thursday 20 November 2008

Fitness Regime

I have decided on the fitness aspect of my revolution. Well the first part at least. I am going to start the TA fitness regime. This will start on Monday 24th. it is a 14 week programme, the first two weeks being a conditioning programme, followed by 3 x 4 week programmes. These are designed to increase my fitness at a steady pace.

Now for the hard bit. On Sunday I am for the first time in years, going to weigh myself. Ouch, this is going to hurt. But to conquer this I must face up to the hard cold facts. I will also take my BMI. I am 5' 9" so my correct BMI is between 18.5 & 25. I will also take my waist measurement, thighs, biceps, chest and neck. This will give me a starting point to work off. Measuring my fitness should be easier. When i stop huffing and puffing after walking up the stairs I will know I am making progress.
One big target is to lose my man boobs. I am so embarrassed by them i choose clothes from my wardrobe to hide them. In the summer I couldn't wear t-shirts, preferring short sleeved shirts as they hid your figure more(how much of a girl do i sound like) Well that is gonna change. I may not end up looking like an Adonis, but I wont be embarrassed about my weight any more.

Today my thoughts are also with my friend Pat. He goes into hospital today for his operation tomorrow. Thinking of you mate, looking forward to seeing you soon.

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