Friday 3 April 2009

Things are looking up

yesterday was a good day. Mum has a nurse at her bedside all the time as she is still considered a risk to herself, and with a syringe of insulin on her machine she has the ability to try and commit suicide again. She seemed very cheery, smiling away. Her speech is better, nearly managing full sentences. It makes things so much easier when she can talk back to you. She asked how Aisha was which was great.
I tried to keep things light hearted as I didn't want to upset her. We joked about how bad the food was, and i got her to pick a horse in the grand National. The plan is to move her to Cornhill over the weekend if they can stabilise her eating which will level out her insulin requirements. The nurse told me it was more comfortable and the food was better!!
Mum still seems distant in that I don't know how much she is aware of her situation. The possibility of permanent brain damage is still very real and only time will tell.
I cleared a space in the garage to do the kettlebells. I had a swing of them last night and it felt good, but i didn't stick to any plan.
Today I woke up to hear Kim throwing up!!! She has sickness and diarrhoea. So I will be picking Aisha up from school today. Her Easter holidays start today. She's very excited. Kim isn't so!!

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